Thursday, April 30, 2009


Funny story: We were (are) in desperate need for a vacay. Bad economy, schemonomy! We're saving! We work so hard! No one should be this pale! It's been so long! It's simply time for A Real Vacation! We deserve it!

So, justification complete, we decided in March to plan a tiny trip for early May, to coincide with a certain date.

Options were weighed.

Europe? Long flight, bad exchange rate.

New York? Super fun but also super busy. We need a relaxation vacation, not a vacation where we're running around the whole time amidst crowds sightseeing (read: shopping) and museum hopping (read: living at PioPio.)

Bahamas? Could be nice. Could be a hurricane.

Hawaii? Maybe. Been there though. A lot.

Mexico? Si? Mexico! Que bueno! It's just a hop, skip, jump and border crossing from California! Good diving, inexpensive lodging, great beaches, ancient pyramids... Woot! Perfecto!

Tickets and resorts were researched, locales surveyed, Trip Advisor consulted... At long last, after multiple weeks of planning, Playa del Carmen, an hour south of Cancun would be the destination of our luxurious getaway. Everything was booked, moneys paid, new warm-weather footwear and beach towels purchased. All we had to do was survive and countdown April until it was time to go. A vacation! A real vacation of nothing but beachy, sunny, lazy, fun!

And THEN... This.

Expletives! Big ones. Stupid pigs! Do you hear me?! I HATE YOU, pigs, and your crazy transmittable-to-humans SWINE FLU that is ruining my vacation (read: life). But I do still love you for bacon, so, um thanks for that.

Now what?


Emily said...

Oh NO!!! What happens now? Rain check? Refund? Lose the money entirely? That's just terrible. Keep us posted - you DO deserve a vacation, m'dear. I hope you get it.

Bette said...

They say it will be over by May 6. Can you wait until May 6? (hopeful face)

Dreamer said...

Oh dear! This is bad news. Maybe a joke will lighten the mood. My cousin posted this on facebook
"I heard that a black man would be president, 'when pigs fly', indeed 100 days into Obamas' presidency....... SwineFlu"

Mandi said...

that's not cool! can you get your money back? not cool!

Patrick said...

You are so funny.... I was hoping you'd say you still love bacon. I was worried for a second.

Just one tall girl named Laurel said...

We CAN get a refund on the hotel in Mexico. No airline refund, but we can change the flights with no penalties.

TnD said...

I know somewhere sunny, warm and very cheap! Why don't you come visit us for your birthday?

Melissa said...

I wish you could sail to Utah. Bet you would be here a lot more. But that is really selfish of me...ok my vote is for Tahiti. Or Fiji. Or Utah. Or Tahiti. SPLURGE! The recession will still be here when you get back. I promise.

Julie said...

How about rescheduling for the last week in July?

Sarah said...

Oh man! That sucks! I give SWINE FLU the big B.I.R.D!

The Jackson Three said...

That really sucks...we just cancelled a vacay too and I'm still not over it. I vote to choose somewhere pig disease free and go! You need some sun!

Keri and Aaron said...

Go anyway! Switch the dates for this weekend! What better time than Mother's day? This thing is blown way out of proportion. The regular flu kills WAY more people every year!

Patrick said...

Found this Guide that may make you feel better... or not. If you try one or two of these places out, post a review:

Unknown said...

Hope yoou have a great time on your vacay! I know what you mean, we really can't wait to go to the beach!

Bette said...

And THEN what happened?!?!