Friday, April 3, 2009

April Fools

It was April Fool's Day yesterday. I texted Ian around midday and told him I was pregnant. He wrote back with, "Me too!" Clearly, he wasn't fooled. (That, or he's a miracle of science-- something I've long suspected since he seems to also suffer from PMS.)

This blog is long overdue a quality entry but yet, here I am, past midnight, working yet again on things of little or no importance in the grand scheme of life things but very important in the now scheme of work things. Sigh. Plus, it's been cold here. And windy. Chicago windy. Kansas windy. At least, how I imagine Chicago and Kansas windy, never having actually lived there. (Or having been there in the case of the latter.) The wind flurries around all day and gusts mightily at night, shaking our sad, thin window panes and making the stove vent rattle and leaving me wondering if I were to step outside into a big gust if I'd maybe just fly away like the tree branches and garbage can lids I keep seeing displaced in the roads. The howling wind seems to also blow away any motivation to actually spend time on the interweb when not required by work or church or otherwise. Thus, I'm neglecting the bloggosphere these days... People's lives spinning on, changing in big and little ways and posted for the absent masses and for commenting on, and me, out of the loop, with a rattly stove vent, just trying not to fly away. Be back soon.


TnD said...

Very elaborate April Fools joke. A text ;). You really are busy. I wish you a weekend off so you can start working on making that text a reality. My kiddies need cousins.

Bette said...

I am so sorry you are slammed. :(

Nate and Tasha said...

Hilarious that Ian caught on so quickly! I do miss your blog posts. I hope you get a little more time to yourself soon :)

Suzi said...

Can't wait for you to be back at the blog in full force! And hope work slows down soon.

Melissa said...

Miss you...come back to bloggin soon!
If you and Ian were both preg, it would be like having twins. Cool.

The McKay's said...

Yes! Keep blogging! You are such a great writer--your blogs make me laugh :)