Tuesday, January 27, 2009




And especially you,

Stop. Just stop.


So stop.


Julie said...

Well stated and duly noted.

About Me: said...

Hey Laurel,
I'm Ian's long-ago-friend...my husband and I have been reading your blog and find it hillarious! Please check out our families blog at theallenfive@blogspot.com
when you get a chance. Are you guys on Facebook?

Warm regards from NC,
Jennifer Allen

Brenna said...

That neck rest is totally creepy...as is the Gov!

How come I had no idea you were scuba certified! Lets do it!

Mandi said...

you are hilarious! you just stop! the neck rest... killing me! aahhhh!

The Jackson Three said...

what in the world is the first picture? a little creepy, as is Blagojevich.

and did you get professional pics taken of the pups? the new picture is so cute!

Brie said...

seriously...why? Why? and why?

Keri and Aaron said...

Good stuff, good stuff.
As to your last post, I had been meaning to ask how you'd feel about me blogging about the awesome, amazing stuff at your place. I'll take that #4 as a 'go ahead' unless I hear from you otherwise. :)

Bette said...

If Blagojevich was wearing the freaky handsy thing while driving that truck? That would put me in a terror coma.

TnD said...

He is a nightmare. Can we say narcissistic? He is a train wreak and very uncomfortable to watch.

Melissa said...

Thanks for the visual BarbaraCA - I will have nightmares tonight.
La - you are too funny.

Sarah said...

So funny.... I can't stop laughing.