1. The pups got the big FIX this week. (They had their teeny puppy boy/girly bits removed, respectively.) The after-care instructions I received from the vet said to keep the puppies from jumping, going up & down stairs, licking, wrestling, running, playing, or generally doing anything that might tear a stitch or aggravate something. And, oh yes, keep this up for
two weeks. Um... hello??? Anyone
met a puppy recently? That's all they
do; jumping, playing and wrestling are my puppies' main purposes in life as far as I can surmise... (That, and trying to infiltrate the laundry bins to carefully weed through the towels, shirts and other innocuous items only to pull out the most delicate of undergarments and socks in order to shred them. And also eating the lava rocks out of the plant soil. Oh, and breaking into my primary bag for any treats and/or craft materials and/or lip gloss to eat. And pooping on the bathroom floor. And eating the lining underneath the chair in in the reading nook.) So two weeks of rest is in strict order via Dr. I Clearly Don't Know How Puppies Behave, and I couldn't get Lucy & Stan to abstain from the running/jumping/spazzing for even the first 24 hours. Any tips?

2. Lest you be tempted to try
this recipe from this month's
Real Simple for "healthy" mac & cheese: Don't. The whole wheat pasta I do recommend. The rest of it, however? Not so great. Not if what you wanted was mac & cheese, anyway-- a fundamental component of which is creaminess in my book and which this recipe does not provide. I think mac & cheese might be one of those foods (like bacon, my food baby daddy) that just doesn't do "healthy." Like how I just can't do skinny jeans because I regretfully do not have the hips of a 9 year old boy, or how puppies can't just "rest" for two weeks. It might be a law of nature. Science should look into it. In the meantime, I'm sticking with recipes that look more like
this one.
3. Lest you be tempted to try
this apple cake recipe from
Orangette, please tell me how it works out. I'm thinking of giving it a whirl this weekend but I don't actually own a food processor and I'm a little nervous about trying the barely-blended ingredient situation in my blended-'til-it's-dust blender.

4. I've never asked you before, but... maybe you want to tell all your friends and neighbors to shop for their kids' craft needs at the coolest and most affordable place on the entire interweb?
http://www.discountschoolsupply.com/ There's even a
Red Sale going on (perfect timing for V-day card & craft making...) and a free shipping offer. It's a win, win.

Ah, Bob Barker thanks you for spaying and neutering your pets. And I thank you, because I hate it when boy dogs still have all their boy parts...it's kinda disgusting. You can't not look at them, and then you're like, eeeeew, when you realize what you're looking at. Ick.
Thanks for the warning on the RS Mac and Cheese! Their photography can make anything look good, eh? Phew!
And I'm checking the arts and crafts website NOW! :)
Thanks for the warning about the RS mac and nasty. I would have made it and been mad about it. But you actually come up with a theory on why healthy mac and cheese can never be good and I think that is wonderful. Now I will never even bother thinking to try a recipe like that. Won't get caught in that trap. All thanks to you. Chat n Chew all the way.
I will spread the word about the craft site...I know lots of crafty people!
I have looked at the site before. I should look again. Luke is always asking to do crafts (I just heard him tell Nat, "I want to cut stuff). Noah just wants to do "craps" all the time.
I am glad to know that the Mac and Cheese is junk. I will say that their heart healthy "Chicken with Roasted Sweet Potato Salad" in this month's issue is to die for-- especially the salad. I talked about it all week. We're having it again this week. Really, it was delightful.
Good luck with the puppies. Can you give puppies Benadryl? Just an idea...that's what you do with kids on an airplane, right?
Love your tips on mac & cheese and completely agree with Mel's comment - Chat n' Chew mac & cheese is so yummy!
Ask Ian for G'ma Jane's mac n cheese recipe. As far as I am concerned the buck stops there. It is the best, unless you are on the UWS and can hit Spoon Bread Too. Then, that is the best.
I was really looking for giggly eyes to make some crafts with the kids and thanks to you I can buy 500 for under $3 bucks. That was a great web site and I'm adding it to my little list of favs.
I agree..Mac n cheese just can't be healthy. and its got to be creamy...if you want the best ever, try the tractor room in san diego. yum yum. and i wanna meet your new little pups! we seriously need to come up and visit you two! one of these days...
Awww, little lucy and stanley! Why are they the cutest pups ever?
And seriously? "Healthy mac and cheese" is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. Doesn't exist (if it tastes good).
And finally, I am the biggest SLACKER ever with your long overdue thank you card. It is coming...don't give up on me! xoxo
Still laughing at the "hips of a nine year old boy"comment-that is just pure gold!!
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