1. A Blackberry (not the kind you eat) to remind me that my early-morning management meeting was not, in fact, at my place of employment, but at a completely different place, entire miles away. Go figure.
2. A machine that would make all the slow drivers suddenly disappear from my commute-- or, better yet, a go-go-Gadget helicopter.
3. A personal chef to have the dinner that I needed to take to a new-baby family ready when I got home (late, as usual) from work. I blame said imaginary chef's lack of existence for the sad baked ziti the family ended up with instead of the gourmet meal they deserved.
4. A personal packer to go get all the last-minute travel stuff I need for my business trip tomorrow and then find a way to fit it all in my carry-on.
5. An auto-response-generator in my e-mail program for the seriously passive-aggressive reply I received from one of my colleagues that put me over the edge just as I was leaving (*see above) that would have screened the message and returned it with a DELIVERY FAILURE NOTIFICATION: Your email has not been delivered to sender due to passive aggressive content. Please re-write sans any attachments of bitchiness and re-send.
Time for CAEYC? Blargh!!!!!!!!
Travel safely!
i think of this all the time...
i desperately want a teleporter. because then I wouldn't have to deal with traffic and all the crazy horrible drivers in LA...
baked ziti sounds pretty gourmet to me sista!
and how dare anyone be bitchy to you? let me know if you want me to take care of them...
I hate those days. Hope the business trip goes well!
Just think, TURKEY. Enough said.
every new mom loves pasta. seriously. baked ziti sounds great.
ahhh. . . what would this world be like without ridiculously anal retentive and passive aggressive folk to brighten our days?
I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree, and I agree. I have always wanted a go-go Gadget Helicopter, maybe when they come out with flying cars like The Jetson's I get one of each, hmmmmm...if only.
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