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Thanks Giving
I am ever so grateful for*: my wonderful husband who got up at the crack of dawn today to procure a gift at door-buster savings, visiting family, good friends, turkey cooked upside down so that the white meat breast stays uber moist and juicy, mashed potatoes with almost as much butter and sour cream as actual potatoes, killer yams, baked brie with pears, green bean casserole made with fresh green beans, the saintly cashier at Costco on the day before Thanksgiving-- where I got the last available parking spot exactly 900 miles from the front door and the last cart with the totally wonky wheel and where 8 billion other people were waiting in line each with 6 carts and 5 screaming children-- who opened her line just as I got to the checkout area, homemade rolls, good health, cooked carrots with brown sugar glaze, gravy, being around people who understand the importance of good gravy, baked ham, pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, homemade pumpkin pie, Costco pumpkin pie for later, ear plugs, cozy sweaters and slippers, homemade cranberry cheesecake, Trivial Pursuit, people who rock at Trivial Pursuit being on my team (the only mammal to have four knees is the elephant), dominoes, in-laws, waterproof tablecloths, egg nog, Cody snuggling on everyone's laps so no one feels left out, being able to go to the beach the day after Thanksgiving because it's still 73 degrees and sunny, real whipped cream, sparkling apple cider, not having to go to work for four days, spare bedrooms, Ian's 92-year-old-grandma who cracked the funniest joke during Thanksgiving dinner, wassail, my red Kitchenaid mixer, scones, eggs Benedict, hot chocolate, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, sisters, brothers, parents, baby relatives, Tylenol, 2-day sales, fall bouquets, Christmas music, my dishwasher, and leftovers.
*not an exhaustive list
I must know what the funniest joke was...I am so sad I missed T-day with the fam. Also, where was the famous yams?
Your Thanksgiving must have ROCKED, La. :)
Heyheyhey, how did you get the link for the Lazy Girl's Gourmet (on your list of links)?!?! Who do we know in common that sent you that link?!?! The originator/moderator of the link is my best Baltimore friend, Stephanie, and she lives three blocks from here!!! This world is TOO small. Love. It.
You got an email to send me? We need to talk!
Hi Laurel, Tara told me you were the best blogger when we were in Mexico and sent me your link. This is my first experience viewing bloggs. I am impressed. I am a bit of a writer. I set my own up tonight...with a little help from my computer whiz son. I doubt if I will ever get as fancy as you but I am excited about the opportunity to share some writing. You yuppies are amazing. Charmaine Anderson
Wow, I would be giving thanks if I had all that stuff for dinner (and dessert) too! :) Sounds like you are contently satisfied with life right now. Good! You deserve it!
Mmmm, sounds so tasty. I am starving just reading your post. We miss you guys. xoxo
We hope you guys had a fun Thanksgiving. And we love Ian's b-day hat. Jada thought it was pretty cool. :)
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