On my very scientific Flick Chick official rating scale (Boo, Meh, Decent, and Woo-Hoo!) I give August Rush a Boo. I was going to go with Meh because the musical score is actually pretty nice (and it takes place in NYC which is always a pleasant stroll down memory lane,) but the more I thought about my $6.95 and two hours of a Saturday afternoon I will never get back, the more I think this movie really does deserve that cursed Boo.
The story falls apart about 15 minutes into the film, the characters have zero depth, and the most talented actor of all (Mr. Howard) completely disappears for 80% of the movie. The littlest star, Freddie Highmore, is cute; I'll give him that. But since he spends most of his scenes in wide-eyed innocent stare-off-into-space closeups and clueless overacting during his musical scenes (with that blasted Iron Chef 360-degree spinning camera maneuver) there's not much more to like. He plays a musical prodigy orphan whose parents are star-crossed lovers with musical talent. Spoiler alert: Little "August" thinks if he can play his music his parents will hear him, and find each other and then find him. And guess what, he does and they do! Neat and tidy. The end.
The story is sappy-- soggy sappy. And it needed a million completely unlikely and unbelievable coincidences and happenstance to make any sense at all. It's like the movie couldn't decide if it wanted to give itself over to fantasy and complete romanticism or stay grounded in real life. So what you end up with are some scenes in cliche-fantasy-world and others that aren't. It just didn't make sense.
However, I got to see the movie with my mom who was visiting from Oregon, so that was a plus. It seems the best claim this movie can make, as far as I'm concerned, is that it sat me next to a nice person for two hours. Not all was lost.
OH! I have been wanting to see this movie since I saw the preview and decided to wait for YOUR review. So glad I did...you saved me.
I'm bummed it wasn't good though. Thanks for keeping it real. Boo.
Gosh dangit, Laurel. I was so excited for this movie (secretly knowing it was probably going to be shite!). I am glad that I didn't waste my own $6.95 (46.95 after popcorn, soda, m&m's...) and 2 hours.
Thanks for taking this one for the Blog Reading Team :-).
I love that you are our link to know what movies are out at home. Unless of course we want to know what was playing there 6 months ago, in which case we can drive down the street to the theater here.
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