Monday, September 17, 2007

Legends of the Fall

There's a bite to the morning air these days; in the distance I can hear the school yard bells of the elementary school down the street, pumpkin pie graces the shelves of the local grocery store in abundance, and the Gap has sweaters on sale... It must be Fall. Let me ring it in with a nice bucket of crisp apples, some festive gourds for my table centerpiece, a bouquet of sharpened pencils (name that movie line) and, most importantly, the eager anticipation (and preparatory-record-setting of the DVR) of the Return of Fall TV.
Next week is Premier Week (exciting like Shark Week, but less oceany) and with it comes an end to a very blah TV summer. I'm willing to give some of the new lineup a try. In Falls past I've been weary of such newcomers to my TV repertoire, but with the brilliant invention that is my DVR and my new suburban evenings, I find myself more open to trying on some new shows for size. My won't-miss viewings of next week: Chuck, Heroes, Journeyman, Cavemen, Carpoolers, Reaper, Boston Legal, Pushing Daisies, Kid Nation, Gossip Girl, Ugly Betty, The Office, 30 Rock, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Brothers&Sisters.

Some will fall flat; some may be the legendary start to a beautiful relationship with my DVR. Either way, it means Fall is upon us at last. Yay for the tall boots that get to come out of closet hiding! Yay for the mere month until turtlenecks and cable knits! And Thanksgiving (my hands-down favorite holiday-- two words: killer yams) is just around the corner.


The Jackson Three said...

agreed - so glad that fall is here. Except that means that nother bitter cold NYC winter is just around the better really enjoy your SoCal winter for me!

emily said...

Oh yes, my DVR is also warming up for a long winter season! And I CANNOT wait. In addition to the usual faves, I am also trying out Gossip Girl, Dirty Sexy Money, and Kid Nation.

Can't wait to pop open my diet coke, grab the remote, and settle in for a long winter's viewing...

Bette said...

"Pushing Daisies" is the odds-on favorite, according to my TV spies!

Melissa said...

I guess I need to try out "Pushing Daisies" - thanks for the tip.
I am so excited for all the humor that will comfort me from my tv screen, but dieing (I never know how to spell that word) to know what's up with Edie. DH premier will be intense.
Happy Fall!

Ben said...

I'm looking forward to Heroes, but we'll have to watch it online. We are once again without a television since we had to leave the projector in NY. We need Ian's maven-like influence to point us in the direction of weeknight viewing bliss before we sink back in to the depths of pop cultural illiteracy where you guys found us.