I'll tell you what surprised me the most seeing all those Lakeridge Pacers again:
1. People got alarmingly drunk. I saw people literally stumble out of there. I was like, Really? Really?!
2. Some people look EXACTLY the same. Some people look NOTHING like what they did in high school. And everyone else just looked better, in general. (But yes, there were some who, as D put it, "looked like they got eaten by fat people.")
I wasn't very surprised to see some people still "too cool" to mingle or actually try and have a good time without leaving the bar, but most of us managed to rise above the posturing and have a great evening. (OK, I'll admit I agonized over what to wear to this thing for waaaaay too long, but come on-- I'm a girl. And, ultimately, I chose wisely.) It was really interesting to see what people were up to--or not up to-- these days... And, of course, it was so nice to see the people who I do still keep in touch with but don't get to see very often. All in all, a good experience. Assuming I'm still a) in the country, and b) not 350 pounds, I think I'll go to the 20-year.
The ex-boyf was not there, nor was the ex-BFF; potential awkward moments, for me, were spared. And only one of my old crushes was there; and, ps, suffice it to say, WHAT was I thinking?! Ah well.
PS- Ian is watching "What About Bob" in the next and I'm cracking up listening to it. "There are two types of people in this world: those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't." Hilarious.
Got to love the high school reunion, home town heros life time zeros. Sad, but those who were the "its" in HS generally turn out to be still celebrating the glory days 10 years, 20 years, 30 years later with not much else happening in their lives. I am glad my life got much better after HS, even better than that after college, and better again after grad school. But the Uncle Rico's of life sure are fun to talk about old times with.
love the thoughts about the reunion....and I'm pretty confident that you will not weigh 350 in 10 more years!
I LOVE that movie! Hilarious! And I'm not sure if I am looking forward to my ten year reunion or not...I think not.
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