My life has been sucked away by the giant vacuum of free time: work. I am, almost single-handedly, producing a whole catalog-- a process that usually takes three entire teams of people, (i.e. 20 actual skilled professionals.) Granted, it's a small catalog, but still a ton of work; and with yours truly doing all the copy writing and rough layout of each page, with a few select other people to carry out my directions, it is getting done. All the while I'm interviewing candidates for the open position on my team because, let us not forget, we're currently a man down. So my blogging and blog surfing time, my TV-watching time, my exercise time, and even my cupcake perfection quest have all had to take a back seat to the great machine that is my job. (However, thanks to the modern wonder that is my DVR, and miracles in general-- that's right, I'm putting it right up there with the whole water-wine/loaves-fishes thing-- I am still fully caught up on So You Think You Can Dance. And I voted for Sabra.)
Thank you for your comments to come back to the blogosphere, though. They made me feel all warm and squishy inside. I'm sorry I left for so long. I will be better, I swear. Take me back, Tina.
Boo. Sorry the load is, well, a load.
Wow. Whoa. Yuck.
any idea when this will ish will let up? we need you back in this sphere called blog.
glad you felt warm, but I guarantee you didn't feel squishy. you've got a rock solid bod lady! Have you been to Katy's Place too much lately?
Oh my gosh, I would have loved to be interviewed by you - I bet you're great at it. Good luck with the catalog, La. It'll be fantastic!
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