Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sweet Book Seven

Confession: I went to Borders last night at 11:30 to get my reserved copy of Harry Potter VII. I reserved a copy when Borders sent me the "you better reserve before it's too late" e-mail a few weeks ago. I mean, who wants to wait years for this series finale and not be able to get the book when it inevitably sells out in the first second? So, when I reserved a copy and got the "come and get it at midnight on the release date" e-mail, I was like SWEET! So I went, eager not to miss out on this spellbinding swansong.
It was me, Ian, a few people from work, and about 250 teenagers and kids. Oh, and one local newscaster who was not there reporting on anything but waiting in line like the rest of us. I think I was the only one there who recognized her; probably because I was one of the few people there allowed to stay up past 11pm on a school night to watch the channel 8 news. Sweet.
ANYWAY, I thought I'd dive right into the book today but this HP fan took the morning to dine on eggs benedict, get a pedi, and shop. It is, after all, Saturday. While at the nail salon, I noticed a young fan was reading said book VII and I asked her if she too stayed up late to go to the release party and get a wristband and wait in lines with people dressed up in school ties and witch hats to pick up her reserved copy. "No," she replied, "I just went and bought it at Borders today. There was no line."



The Jackson Three said...

love least you got an evening out at Borders out of the whole thing!

Melissa said...

you better hurry up with your POW for this week. Time is a tickin...
whats up wich you?

norfolkabroad said...

I'd like to lodge an official complaint - I have become quite addicted to your blog and now you seemed to have stopped! Not fair - entertain me.

Melissa said...

Hear hear norfoldabroad! Where are you?

norfolkabroad said...


Suzi said...

Where are you?! Come back!!

Carrie Whittier said...

Seriously, Laurel. I am getting worried that something has happened to you. Don't you realize you serve as a guilty pleasure whilst many of us are at "work" (wink wink). WRITE SOMETHING. (now you know how J.K. Rowling felt when they were hounding her for book 7).