Mikaila, the "damsel in distress" character, was so ridiculously shallow that it was painfully clear what she was: a set of tan legs and breasts... and nothing more. With a few, simple tweaks to her lines she could have been a nice addition to the story as a pretty, talented and intelligent girl; instead, she was just the hot girl, posing provocatively in practically every frame-- kind of slutty, with a few action scenes to keep her relevant to the plot. (The picture with this post is from an actual part of the film... Not a chop shop wall calendar like you'd expect... I mean, I totally pose like that when checking out car engines in my mini skirt and tank too, but still...)
I felt like I was watching a rap video where the hotties just dance around in teeny clothes and let the big, bad men do all the talking. I was surprised to find this in such a big summer film. With the huge audiences this movie would draw, I'm curious why the writers didn't try a harder to give a little credit to the ladies.
Next stop: Harry Potter 5. Let's hope Hermoine doesn't start showing up in miniskirts and heels.
Just saw this movie last night...and I totally thought the same thing. Why can't the hot girls be portrayed as smart in the movies? I don't get it. I will say her body was rockin' though.
I was cringing! It helped to watch with a seven year old, who had no idea of the vavoom factor.
I think.
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