Thursday, January 14, 2010

Remember When...

Remember when I used to write here somewhat regularly? I kind of do.

Remember when I used to not do what felt like 17 million things every second? I don't.

Remember when I had my own laptop all to myself and my husband didn't steal it every. single. night for more comfortable craigslist car/house/boat/motorcycle stalking? I barely can.

Remember when, this morning, I swore I'd have a low-carb day? Yup, I do.

Remember when, later this morning, I felt a chill and decided to make hot chocolate with milk and follow it up with too much fruit and non-lite yogurt? Um, yeah, I do.

Remember how I never was any good at low-carb days? My skinny jeans do.

Remember how in mid-November I had to go to DC for a week on business and had exactly 3 hours of non-work time on one weekday to run to a Smithsonian for pilgramage to Julia Child's kitchen? I do.

Remember how two months ago it was Thanksgiving and there were wonderful family visits and there was wonderful food (turkey! homemade rolls! killer yams! pie! pie! pie!) and wonderful princess parties and puppy sitting and super sales and tree decorating and travel plans and lazy brunches and heartfelt gratitude and snuggly blankets and cozy fires and parades? I do.

Remember how a few blinks ago it was Christmas and there was wrapping and shopping and more wrapping and cupcake baking and frenzy and plane rides and freezing temps in Utah and friends and family and boxes and cards and snow and laughter and carols and movies and deliciousness and reunions and magic? I hope you do, too.

Remember how everyone was totally freaking out about the awesomeness of "Avatar" and then when I saw it I wanted to scream, "I liked this movie better when it was called 'Dances With Wolves' and didn't have unbelievable blue aliens in it!" and then be mad at the rest of the world for loving it so? Unfortunately, I do.

Remember how 2009 started with all kinds of hope and wonder and excitement about the year ahead? I do... like it was yesterday.

And remember how a few breaths ago it became 2010 and now there is new wonder and excitement about the year ahead but more awe at how lightening-fast the last year went? I do.


TnD said...

You posted! I am so happy. I love L posts and I remember when I used to check your blog first because I would laugh and laud every post. I miss those days, slow down 2010. Go easy on my L and allow her more time to amuse me.

Melissa said...

Ditto TnD.

Julie said...

Were the holidays really so recent? Miss you.

Charmaine Anderson said...

I teach a family writing class every February. We spend one of our six sessions talking about what you just did--the "anaphora" or the power of a repetitive phrase in a personal essay. I am sealing yours to read to my class. This was very fun. Thanks

Sarah said...

Welcome back! So happy to be getting more of you.

Mandi said...

so glad to see you back! we are coming to the beach over presidents day weekend. wanna meet my kiddies?

p.s. my whole adult family went to avatar and all the women walked out after 2 hours. i couldn't handle it! i almost had an anxiety attack. way too much visual stimulation (and bad acting!) makes me worry a little about the rest of the country!!

Keri and Aaron said...

Hope you get some breathing time this year! It's fun to read your posts again.