Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hi! Remember me? I used to write here. I know. I'm sorry. It's been a while.
Let's just dive right in and start with MAY, when the Mexico trip cancellation was threatening to leave us vacationless AND without any chance of contracting the pig flu-- which, I decided, would have probably done wonders for my quest to pull off skinny jeans at some point. (Pull off as in wear-- not extract myself from. Heavens! I hope I never get stuck in a pair of skinny jeans! And have the shameless audacity to admit it here! Although given my experience with them in the undersized dressing rooms of the world, it's altogether possible to get stuck in a pair. Sigh.)
Anyway, Mexico was a bust BUT we were able to salvage the vacay and go to Kauai instead. And it was wonderful. Perfect.

10 Kauai musings:

1. It's possible to have 5 straight days of perfect weather and sunshine, even on the rainiest island in the world, making you doubt whoever it was that told you Kauai was the rainiest place in the world.

2. Shaved ice from Jo-Jo's (over mac nut ice cream) should be added to the food pyramid in the "pure happiness" group.

3. No one looks good in underwater shots.

4. Ian & Isaac's "Shamu Show" is possibly the funniest thing ever in the history of aqua impersonations.

5. The Lihue Longs is the best Longs Drugs ever. An isle of everything Li Hing Mui? An isle of organics? An isle of obscure Japanese treats that you haven't had, or seen, since you lived there? Plus all the normal Longs stuff like reasonably-priced sunblock? Yup. Went every day. I miss you, Lihue Longs. I miss you.

6. The Poipu breakfast joint with the world famous banana pancakes and homemade coconut syrup is rockin', even at 11pm on your way to the airport.

7. The loco moco dish of rice, eggs, hamburger, and gravy is indeed loco. And delicious. And disgusting. But mostly delicious.

8. The spa at the Hyatt is where I want to live permanently.

9. Chickens. Everywhere.

10. Aloe with solarcane is key for back-of-the-leg burns that make it impossible to wear jeans on the return flight even though you know it will be like 50 degrees in Monterey when you get home. Aloe with solarcane is also the hardest to find when you're pressed for time and is not sold in new airline-approved sizes.


Julie said...

Glad you're back to the blogosphere. Missed your posts. Looks like Hawaii was nice and relaxing.

Shauna said...

Just need to say I love your blog. And I also really loved your talk yesterday.

Bette said...

So glad you are back! Tell us more!

Sarah said...

Jeff LOVES loco moco's! LOVES!

TnD said...

So I just read that what you go to bed thinking about at night says a lot about who you are and where your passions lie and guess what? Last night I went to bed thinking about how I wished I could wake up to a loco moco, and then today here you are post, here you are.

Mandi said...

good to have you back! sorry we didn't connect last week. the kids got death ill and we had to head back on tuesday. Be glad you didn't hang out with us because we are still recovering. parenting=cleaning up puke a lot!

that must have been a sweet longs! are you saying it was better than the l.o. longs were you had so many great memories?

Nate and Tasha said...

I am jealous, I have always wanted to go to Kauai, but I am mostly jealous about missing out on the 'Shamu' show :)