Oh, Trader Joe's Kettle Corn, why do you taunt me so? I think I need an intervention. Just ask my rapidly-growing food baby, now possibly visible from space. Your calorie count looks so friendly and inviting until I realize, once again, that I can't just stop at one serving. Or two. Or seven. Salty, sweet, crunchy-- the
trifecta of snack perfection, you call to me at night after a day unflinchingly resolved in I-will-wear-a-swimsuit-this-spring-so-let's-get-serious balanced meals and vegetables...
"Just a handful, just a bite... So much healthier than that whopping spoon of cookie dough or frosting or pound of caramelized bacon..." you whisper, crinkly and glossy, from your dark, cool cupboard. But I know your terrible secret. Your list of ingredients is so deceiving, for not once does it mention the crack.
Hi Laurel, I havent had to time to share with you that we moved to Beaverton, OR this past November. We live in an area called Bethany off of the 26 not too far from the 217. When my husband finished his MBA we spent a year looking for the perfect job and it was here! We are really excited to be here - we are getting a lot more bang for our buck - we have pictures of our new house on myspace. And - we had a white Christmas, my first ever!
Love, Lisa (Smith) Davis
Hey guys,
So I stumbled onto your blog from someone else's blog. I am also a big fan (addict) of the trader joe's kettle corn.
here's our blog
At least you are not addicted to truffles, my current drug of choice, because I guarantee you they are more fattening than kettle corn.
I'm not sure if I have your current email address so I will reply to you here. I LOVE pizelles! Christine found pizelle irons on the internet like 8 years ago and bought one for herself and one for each of us sisters for Christams that year. We have made them every year since. I should send you some, I might make a batch this weekend just for you (minus a few for me and the kiddos of course). I would love to open a bakery. Jay says you need to move to Utah so we can. I told him we need to move to California instead. I am so sick of the snow and plus Utahin are much too cheap to spend money at a bakery. I don't know it could work??? I love baking, I would love to get paid for it more!
I must try these. They will be on my list for the next TJ run!
Yo- yes I love kettle corn. Sidebar- we are at the beach house this weekend and would love to see you crazy cats! Are you going to be around? I can see you at church or email me at Mandi.Crockett@gmail.com
It would be so classic for you to see my kids!
Hi Laurel,
you don't know me. Scary eh? No, but I've seen you and your hubbinskies in the ward...I'm in the YW hole and my hubs is in the YM hole so I never get out much to meet 'n greet. I'm not sure where you are...primary, perhaps? Anywho, I was bored tonight and well... can't even remember how I found your blog. You are so witty and hilarious!
...I'm so glad someone else has recognized Trader's use of crack in that devil of a concoction.
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