A) "My Precious"- The one ring is suspended in the center of the sphere that rests in front of Gollum. Tempting and close yet unattainable. Crafted in cold cast porcelain and fine pewter. Measures approximately 7 inches in height. $97.50
B) Make your fellow AV Club members uber-jealous with this collectible of Gollum and his precious. Authentic Elfish inscription on ring can be read with a magnifying glass (sold separately.) Generous crevasses will effectively collect dust and other dirt, making it all the more realistic in the glow of your video game console as it sits in your room (the converted basement of your parents' house) year after year. Made in Mordor. $129.99
C) "My Precious" - At only 7 inches in height, this lifelike pewter recreation of this Lord of the Rings scene is the perfect desk accessory. An ideal size that won't overshadow your Star Wars figurines, the pewter is a perfect balance to the XFiles alien memorabilia on your uppermost cubical shelf. Your fellow programming bros and D&D teamsters will evoke the same look of lust as Gollum when they see this! Plus, if you ever meet a girl you've got the ring covered. $49.99
D) Makes a great gift for this season's white elephant gift exchanges or for any of the socially awkward people in your life. At only 7 inches in height, Gollum and his coveted ring are portable yet sturdy and solid-- making this a great on-the-go weapon. And, with that strained look on this creepy character's face, this truly multi-prupose collectible makes a wonderful nightmare inspiration for any small child you wish would leave you alone. Can also be converted to a music box; theme from Psycho sold separately. What a precious value! $79.99
E) This magical pewter moment from Lord of the Rings is sure to bring many "precious" smiles. Beautifully crafted in cold cast porcelain and fine pewter, this striking collectible measures approximately 7 inches. Film-accurate and incredibly detailed, Gollum's face yearns for his one true love just beyond his reach. $29.99
you have a gift.
I want them ALL to be real!
oh thank you thank you. this is our dose of hard laughter for the week. You made this one tougher - either A or E is my and Kyle's guess.
I think that A is real...but was lol at the rest of them (and about your comment about my AR post).
You are HILARIOUS. It's a toss up between C and E. :)
You are a crack up. Better move those Star Wars and X-Files pieces over. If we draw your name this year, you know what you're getting. We can't wait to see you guys soon!
LOL! I have missed a lot since I have been MIA with the whole baby thing. This was great to come back to. Hilarious. I vote 'C'
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