Monday, September 22, 2008

Nectar of the Gods

We were in Oregon last weekend for a little visit. While there we attended a wedding and quite possibly THE BEST THING EVER happened: I was standing with Ian on the patio of the very fancy golf club where said wedding took place, holding our very fancy wedding drinks (club soda and lime) in our very fancy clothes (I in heels as high as the mountains, I swear--I was 7 feet tall), with other very fancy wedding people, when a very fancy catering staffer approached with a tray of something or other and says, "Caramelized bacon?"

I'll give you a moment. (I know I needed one.)

Yes, CARAMELIZED BACON. There's such a thing. And I found a recipe so guess what's about to happen this week in my kitchen? It's like when the syrup gets on the bacon, only less mapley and more crispy-y. And it. is. wonderful. Need I say more?

Dreaming about the caramelized bacon:Also starring a somewhat new haircut. Something about back-to-school time always makes me want to cut my hair. This year I gave in even though I am not in school, nor am I "back to" anything, really. Just the same old stuff; workin', eating bacon... the usual.


TnD said...

Your hair looks so amazing. It is really striking. Can you make me some caramelized bacon when I come into to town next. The idea alone is making me drool. BTW, the paci thing is going okay but Claire now knows how to climb out of her bed which is making it doubly hard to get her to nap on her schedule. Wish me insight into my almost two year olds mind!

The McKay's said...

Um...can I come over when you make this carmelized bacon? I started salivating just a little...Yum. :)

Melissa said...

tnd- Crib tent.

La - I la la love your haircute. i love it.
I want some carmelized bacon so bad right now it hurts. Why did we not know this existed? Mmmm...can't wait to try it. I am totally picturing you in fancy attire, giant heels, fancy cocktail devouring this new found treasure.

Birdpost said...

who knew they could do anything to make bacon worse for you? not that that would stop me! ps sorry i didn't call when we came to pg, last minute trip and... I DON"T HAVE YOUR NUMBER... i know, i suck. please email me so next time you can meet my friggin' kiddos.

Birdpost said...

and your hair is very, very cute.

Emily said...

Love the hair! A bob is *so* fall 2008. Well done. And hooray for one more way to enjoy bacon!

emily said...

Love the new do. Very Gwenyth'esque. You look fab. And carmelized bacon...seriously? Must find some now.

The Jackson Three said...

love the new do, and the pics of you dreaming of the bacon!

Charmaine Anderson said...

So, where is our recipe for the carmalized Bacon? How can you ruin bacon?

#A5 said...

laurel! i love your hair. and, after a long separation, it turns out i love bacon too. so much so that i've become the kind of mother that serves it as a main course for dinner to her kids. not kidding. last thursday. ask ruth, she ate about 13 pices and has been asking for more since. just wait 'til i carmelize the stuff for her. . .