Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Well Played: Carr's

When life gives you lemons... get someone from the Carr company to make you Ginger Lemon Cremes. Um, hi. Have you had these yet? Costco has them in a three-pack and our generous family next door and fellow foodies passed a box on to us. Don't think I'm not about to go to Costco right now and stock up-- 'cuz I am. These rule.

I tend to not be overly excited about lemon-flavored anything. I can dig a lemon cupcake now and again (PS- for those of you who have tried my lemon cupcakes via the recipe I posted way back when: we made a wild discovery in the form of Trader Joe's lemon curd the other day-- add it to the frosting and, to quote Emeril, BAM! Even better. Plus, you can skimp on some of the butter that way, too. Healthier-ish. Bonus!) but for the most part, I'm not a huge fan of the lemon bars/pies/candies/squishies that so many (read: Ian) hold so dear. So, I wasn't expecting to love (read: devour) these Carr's Ginger Lemon Cremes (read: pieces of heaven), but I did. After all, the box does say "international favourites." Mmmm so Britishy.

They are crispy, creamy, tangy, tarty, salty, power-packed-with-flavor, sweet perfection. They are the perfect end to any meal, I've decided. Or start.

It's like what would happen if a Girl Scout Lemonades cookie met and fell in sweet, crazy love with a Nabisco Ginger Snap cookie. They would reproduce to give the world these delicious hybrid cookies of citrus-spicy delight. (One note, however, when twisted open to eat the cream Oreo-style, it's a leettle disappointing. The cream alone lacks a certain gummy-fluffiness that I assume is only achieved when synthetic chemicals are mixed with lard, as in the aforementioned Oreos. And also because this cream is spelled "creme," so that probably has something to do with it too. Best to just munch in their native, whole form.)

Well played, Carr's, well played.


Bette said...


Emily said...

I think we could add an extra "u" to a lot of things to make words better. Wourds. Moure. Califournia. That kinda thing.

Thank you SO much for sharing the lemon curd tip, because I made those muffins for Z's b-day party (I think there were around 75, to be exact), and I'm now famous. Because of you. And will be more famous with the lemon curd addition. Because of you. Bwahahahahaha.

I wish we had a Costco membership so I could buy these yummy cookies. Time to hit up the Costo-going friends!!!!

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Please say Utah Costco has these! Bet I will fancy them!

Mandi said...

I too am a lover of all things lemon. I will have to try. I can't believe what a passionate food lover you have become. I still picture you drinking apple sauce from the plastic container straight out of the fridge. I also remember your aversion to all processed meat. Then there was the ever famous peanut butter in the tortilla specialty! I still pull that one out from time to time.

Nate and Tasha said...

I must admit I am not a fan of lemon filled anything, but if it wasn't midnight right now, I would be off to Costco to pick up my own box. They sound delish!

Laura said...

I am heading to costco tomorrow, so maybe...

Carrie Whittier said...

totally unrelated:

But I saw this and though you and/or Ian need it - - - given your other hobby...


Just one tall girl named Laurel said...

C.W.- that is a GREAT shirt. I totally need to order one! Thanks, lady!

Biff Miffle said...

You're just now discovering these? You poor, poor little thing. These helped me get over my dieting phase in Nashville. Mmmmmmm..... Lemon cookies to end all diets.....