Monday, June 30, 2008

Well Played: VW

Welcome to the Well Played portion of the blog. It's like kudos, but more fun to say with an affected, clinched-teeth accent. Today's candidate: Volkswagen.
Can I just say that I love VW? I love JJ, my car; she's my black beauty, my dark modus transportatus, the shiny belle of the ball, my cavernous-trunk-leather-clad-industrial-floormat -sunroofed Californian dream machine... and for that I thank VW engineers. But today I had to call the VW payment office because we accidentally double-paid this month and we wanted to get the extra payment credited for July. BTW- This happened once with our cable company Comcast (aka Comcrap at our house) and it was the biggest headache ever. VW was so nice. They credited the payment. Took 5 seconds. Bada bing, bada boom, done. Love them! Why is good customer service such a dying phenomena? It's so refreshing when you get someone on the line who is polite, fast, and knows what they're doing.
Well played, VW, well played.


The Jackson Three said...

not only polite, but speaking english? amazing!

Carrie said...

We drive a Jetta and have also been very impressed with VW service. Really though, good customer service is on the brink of extinction.

Anyone flown lately? I can't believe how bad air travel is getting. Charging you to check luggage-- seriously.

Emily said...

Good taste, Laurel dear! I have a soft spot in my heart for Jettas. My parents bought an '85 Jetta, navy blue, and let me tag along to all the various dealerships as they looked for the perfect new car. I remember them telling me that the Jetta was "a German sports car." I thought it was the coolest thing. And, for a brief time 13 years later, it got me to and from school before it finally died. Farfegnugen forever!

Nora said...

Hi! Well played, indeed. Now I'm more of a Europe-phile than ever.

Nate and Tasha said...

It is nice to know that somewhere, somehow, good customer service lives on. I knew I liked VW's.