August 5, 2003-June 12, 2008
Really, is there anything better than a wiener dog in a funny, tiny racing outfit? Well, perhaps watching many of them compete against each other in a dash across a basketball court in a completely packed stadium. Perhaps then, yes.
The tension was palpable as six little doxies were loaded into their racing boxes one Saturday in April for the Doxie Derby, a (the) highlight of the 99th annual UC Davis Picnic Day.
The mini-daschunds, in this, the sixth heat of the mini division, were prepped with their racing gear and assigned their matching-color starting box. Owners, fanatical and perhaps a bit frantic, tried desperately to keep their pups’ attention with whatever they had at their disposal—some used toys, others had pom-poms, flags, floppy mop heads and the like—and ran to the finish line to greet and, perhaps, cajole their furry friends to the end in the hopes of Derby glory.
“Ready, Set, Go!” The announcer piped into the mic and the starting gates were raised. They’re off! Sort of. Red takes an early lead and yellow heads diagonally into the crowd. The doxies in purple and orange seem content to hang out in their starting boxes for a while.
And then there’s the little lady in blue.
With all eyes on her, she emerges from the box a bit dazed, but motivated nonetheless. She sees the end of the court and spies her two humans in matching TEAM CODY shirts frantically waving and bouncing about looking generally ridiculous. She’s pretty sure there’s a treat there. So she runs. The crowd roars. Her paws pick up speed and Cody Lightening Johnston races to the finish, just slightly behind the red racer and barely behind the dog in yellow. Third place!
For her triumph she is rewarded with a treat and then is carried back to the starting boxes for heat #2.
Once again the dogs are loaded into their boxes and this time, Cody begins barking in her box. The barks are drowned by the cheers of the immense crowd that has filled, even to the very top bleachers, the entire basketball stadium of the university.
The race begins again with the announcer’s cry and they doxies are released. Once again red takes an eager start. And Cody… well, Cody gets sidetracked with the pup in purple. They decide to do a lap around the starting boxes first. You know, for warm-up. A kind and officiating veterinary medicine student stops Cody from more in-depth exploring of the back of the start boxes and points her in the right direction. Aha! That’s the way to go! And she’s off. Some of the crowd is on their feet! The purple and orange smocked racers set off in varying directions to visit their fans in the crowd. But Cody’s focus in unflinching now, and she runs the length of the court again-- straight into her owners’ loving arms (after stopping first at some other human’s loving arms.) Fifth place! Not bad all things (warm up laps in the wrong direction) considered.
TEAM CODY drew attention all day at the Picnic Day event as passersby asked about her races and cheered her on. Cody strutted around campus in her own TEAM CODY shirt and enjoyed the free treats and new toy as part of the gift bag for race participants. Challenges conquered for the day, Cody slipped into a dreamy sleep for the whole ride home.
And now TEAM CODY faces its biggest challenge yet: separation.
With a rare, dibilitating cancer, Cody's time with her humans was cut tragically short. She leaves behind a void that can not ever be filled, for there will never be another Cody Lightening Johnston. And her humans are left with holes in their hearts-- hearts that ache for a tiny brown furry body to hold, a wet nose to feel poking us in the night, and a white tummy to rub.
Cody is in heaven now, most likely showing all the other dogs how to do some of what she mastered here in her just-shy-of-5-years on earth:
--the crazy run
--beg for food groundhog-style
--execute the perfect face-plant with which to wake a sleeping human
--wolf down an entire microwave burrito without chewing
--ward off large neighborhood dogs by barking from under the covers of the bed
--pee/poop on the floor when visiting other people
--pee/poop on the floor when at home
--steal food from small children (i.e. microwave burrito)
--claim to not be a dog person and refuse to socialize at dog parks
--be the cutest puppy in the entire history of the world
--steal treats from mild mannered dogs
--sneeze in sleeping humans' faces--sleep on human faces
--chase cats, but secretly be scared of them
--refuse to come when called
--sleep in the sun--burrow in hot laundry
--eat any and all human food except for, only sometimes, lettuce
--remain adorably sweet even when sick
Thanks for being such a big part of our lives, Cody. You brought smiles to all and made even the worst day bearable. We will miss your little licks, your big brown eyes and the greatness of your love, and your silly little waggly tail--which wagged even until the heartbreaking end.
And we will always admire the Lightening speed with which you ran straight into everyone's hearts.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
In Memoriam
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Sad, sad day, but a lovely blog entry. We will miss Cody too. Hope the next few days/weeks are not too terrible for Team Cody. We'll be thinking of you.
CLJ had a very blessed time here on earth with her amazing human family.
Hope you guys are doing ok.
Oh, I am so sad for Team Cody. Good luck with the next few days/weeks that I am sure will be tough.
I am so sorry for the team mates Cody left behind.
Oh, Laurel. I have never gotten very teary eyed or lumpy throated reading a blog before. I got Marshall (my little schmoo) the same year you got Cody and I can only imagine what you are feeling. You guys must be devastated. I am so sorry!!!!! Hang in there.
Nooooooo! Oh, no. So sad. What a void indeed. How awesome that she got to show of her Skills of an Athlete to the whole world before leaving us. I'm so sorry, you guys. I can vouch for her mastering sleeping on peoples' faces bit. I'm so glad I got to meet her and feel her furry neck smothering my mouth and nose. Hang in there - I bet you'll be hearing her dog tags clinking around the house for a while to come, but it will get better. Hugs.
I am so heartbroken. The day we put Daisy down was the hardest day of my life. Truly. I will miss Cody and her independant, but yet so lovably dependent personality.
I can't pretend to know what it's like to lose a pet/dog/family member.. but I hate the thought of losing any one who is so loved, for anyone. I hope you guys are doing OK. It really was a nice entry.. and recollection of memories of him in your life. I know how much a part of your family he was. I'm sorry.
Cody, we will miss your sweet little face. Jada especially is sad that she didn't get to say goodbye one more time, but she smiled looking at the pictures of Team Cody again. She even remembered the last photo as the spot Aunty Laurel told her was Cody's favorite place to sit.
So sorry for you guys. The little pup will for sure be missed. But, All dogs go to heaven, and little cody is there with a wagging tail!
Laurel, I'm so sorry! I was just loving all the racing stories and am so sorry that it has a sad ending. I hope you guys are ok. It is obvious that Cody had the BEST people family while she was here! Hang in there!
I am so sorry for your loss. I know she meant so much to you. I enjoyed the tribute, it was fit for a Queen!
Oh Laurel...this is so sad! I had no idea. You guys must be devastated. Loved reading about Cody and seeing how much you loved her. We will be thinking of you. xoxo
My heart goes out to you Laurel. What a lovely way to remember your dog--your post was so sweet. Hang in there. :)
oh no! i'm so sorry to hear the sad news. here's to team cody.
This made me so sad! I know this is a comment WAY after the fact, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you. Cody was such a sweetie! I hope you guys are doing okay.
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