Thursday, April 10, 2008

Worried Sick

Our dear little puffy-eyed darling Cody is in the hospital today in Santa Cruz at the ophthalmology clinic. This latest flare-up of what has become known as "the condition" on what has also become known as "the million dollar dog" is pretty bad and there's now mysterious swelling behind the eyes as well. If today’s procedures don’t work we’ll be off to UC Davis for an MRI perhaps as soon as tomorrow…

And then we’ll have to come live with you because we’ll have given all of our rent money to veterinarians.


Julie said...

Oh no! Both "the condition" and the cost sound terrible. Hope all goes well!

Bette said...

Oh dear!
Would you like me to check on Cody and bring fresh baked dog treats? Poor doggie!

The McKay's said...

Poor Cody...That's so sad! I hope the little fella gets better! :)

Sherri said...

(Julie's sister again) I am SO sorry to hear about Cody! I hope he feels better soon, and that you don't have to make your vets mortgage payment along the way.

Melissa said...

No! It was just yesterday Cody was sending out clever Easter cards...

Mindi said...

It's times like this that I'm grateful for Jack's stuffed puppy. Good luck Cody! I hope you are all better soon... and that you all have a roof over your head when this is all said and done.

Carrie Whittier said...

Ach! That is so stressful. If it is any consolation - I have had two friends that have had to take their pooches to U.C. Davis and they RAVE about the treatement there - - - as well as the cost. Apparently - they are very resonable and willing to work with people on the financing...

Also - there is a thing called "care credit" that can be used for people OR pets You can finance the procedure and at least make payments...

good luck cody! Go Go speed racer...eyes.

Emily said...

Be strong, Cody. Be strong. You can beat this.

Don't fret, La, 'cuz Dubya is sending you his economic stimulus check soon!

Tara said...

I don't know if I have ever prayed for a dog before that wasn't mine, but I just prayed for Cody. Have you had your carpets tested? Is Cody allergic to the carpets? I am so sad that she is still suffering.

Charmaine Anderson said...

My son Beau and his wife had a cat who excaped their house only once and it got into a fight with another cat and contracted some strange virus that broke out in different areas of its body as sores. They had a pet pathologist from back east come up with treatments that would work for awhile and then the ozzing sores would come back. During the next few years they spent close to $10,000 trying to get the cat well. In the end they had to put it down. They didn't have a child at the time and he was their baby just like Cody. That's too much love for me.

Nate and Tasha said...

Oh, no, I hope your little 'baby' gets well soon and the vet doesn't dig too deep into your bank account. Good luck!