Okay. Time out.
I just paid a crazy (but, apparently, normal) $3.58/gallon for unleaded, normal gas to fill up fuel-efficient JJ (Jetta Johnston) and it was almost $50 to do so.
I'm sorry, but when did the gas and oil companies start needing more money so badly? I'm pretty sure I need my money more than they do.
3.58? That is almost two subway rides. How long does a tank last? I don't even remember how far that will get you anymore.
Wow.. Colby and I had a reminiscent moment as we recalled the dramatic day that gas hit the $1.00 price point. Those good ole days...
.. and think what it costs to drive something like those obnoxious Hummers!
Costco in SLC is $2.85, but the other stations are above $3.00. Ben and I are thinking of getting a natural gas car. Even filling up the Prius seems expensive these days.
Julie - you have a Prius? So cool. So Hollywood. Do you like it?
L- I get sick everytime I fill up my Suz (Subaru Outback) so I have stopped looking at the price per gallon and the total. I figured why upset myself when there ain't a thing I can do about it.
We definitely need moula more than the Exxon jokers...
This has nothing to do with gas - although I HATE the price of gas right now. But I saw this and wanted to pass it on to you...
Perhaps for Oktoberfest? :-)
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