1. Your funny, hearty, belly-cackle that makes me laugh harder than whatever it was we started laughing at in the first place.
2. Your affinity for, and appreciation of, a really good alfredo sauce.
3. Your skull sneakers that you rock with so many outfits.
4. Your love of all things monkey-- I can't see one and not think of you. Especially sock monkeys.
5. Your gorgeous hair! Agh! Jealous! How did you end up with those gorgeous locks of curly beauty? No fair.
6. The way you used to love to cuddle when you were little.
7. The way you carried around your yellow blankie and used it as a cape, a shawl, a hammock, a bag for your toys, a blankie for your baby.
8. Going down the "ooh-aah street" with you at Christmas.
9. Your unflinching love for rodents and the fact that you named your rats such sophisticated names like Connor and Duncan. And I love the way your face lights up when you talk about the "boys."
10. The fact that we have you and your 4-year-old self to thank for the fact that we still know the entire "The Little Mermaid" movie by heart.
11. I love that you love Cody almost as much as I do.
12. Your mad myspace skillz.
13. Your mad texting skillz.
14. I love that you got stuck in the Ford in the middle of the intersection out of gas on your very first I-have-my-own-license excursion and stayed calm enough to push it to the side of the road and did not turn into a puddly mess as we both know I would have.
15. Your amazing compassion and friendship and ability to love.
16. I love the way you are a ray of sunshine into your family's life. The world would simply not be the world without you in it.
17. How hypnotizing watching you crochet can be-- how do people's hands move that fast? How can someone so tough and cool be a crazy-mad-crochet champ on the DL? I love it!
18. I love how as a little girl you meted hearts in mere seconds. Those cheeks, those freckles, those eyes, that Shirley Temple hair... You simply stopped the show whereever you went.
19. I love how despite an entire room full of toys, you often preffered playing "house" with random objects-- like three pencils. The tallest pencil was the dad, the slightly smaller pencil was the mommy, and dad's golf pencils were the babies. You narrated entire stories as the pencil family acted out your household fantasies. It was adorable. And quirky. And so perfectly you.
20. I love that you have a very special day to celebrate today, on your 20th birthday, and that I get to spend the whole day thinking about you and how much I love being able to call you my sister.
Hppy Birthday, L!!!
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