Perhaps by virtue of living in a tiny apartment in Japan and then an only slightly larger tiny apartment in NY, we've never found ourselves in need of chairs beyond the normal dining and office types. But now we've graduated to sunny CA living where space is not as tight and closets are a-plenty*, thus leaving corners that would normally need to contain some kind of fancy streamlined storage unit (read: a portable heater with stacks of papers/clothes/boxes precariously balanced on it when not in use) bare and available for a comfy chair and perhaps a nice plant. And so began the hunt. It's been a long hunt because it turns out it's hard to find a chair that isn't your grandparents' La-Z-Boy or part of the college dorm greatest hits parade for less than several hundred bucks.
This brings me to the chair pictured above. We purchased it yesterday from the close-by Seaside Target* and now it sits in a very sunny* area of our L-shaped (L as in the letter, not as in Laurel. It's not a Laurel-shaped room. A room that was me-shaped would be tall and monkey-armed... difficult to decorate, indeed. But it would be full of cupcakes, so that's good. But I digress) room. Totally comfy, total bargain.
We also bought some shelves so the reading nook can now also contain not only a place to sit but also books. (I find those are important in reading nooks; without them how do you know what kind of nook you are in?)
I'd really like a cool patterned fabric chair for that area too, to break up what now may be coined as the sea of leather that is our living room. I read in a decor mag once that all rooms should have some piece or element that doesn't look anything like the rest of the room-- just to make it interesting and not matchy-matchy. If anyone knows of a good place for nicely-priced chairs, do tell. (And please no advice about Craigslist. I have a rule about used things and it is that if it is used and can, or at any point could, absorb liquid or house a nest of any kind, I don't want it.)
When the nook is more complete I will take a picture and you can say to yourself, "My, what a wonderful sunny nook that is. And look! Books! Books in the nook."
Then you'll probably laugh at yourself for sounding like Dr. Seuss.
But we'd all still be happy that I found my chairs and shelves and other accoutrement that make a nook a nook in one L-shaped room, for one Laurel-shaped me.
*Reason why you should move to Monterey.
laughing out loud! you are hilarious, and I'm glad that you found your chair and book shelves for the perfect nook! I can't wait to see pictures!
Good Lord (or...er...Laurel), you are SO right. I, myself, have been in the market for two "perfect" chairs (and ottomans if they are going to be "perfect")for in front of my wood burning stove. I've been Craigslisting for months as everything else is so shockingly pricey. But everything on there grosses me out for the same fluidy/nesty reasons you dont' like it. Now I will start looking at Target...
You kill me! You are cleaver and funny! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! I love your new chair! Very cool! I love exclaimation marks! I understand the chair problem, we were in the market too, until we bought the biggest couch on the planet and then had no room for a chair. I did see a pretty cool fabric chair at Jennifer when we were looking, though. It had all these circles on it (sounds weird, but was cool) and I think it would've worked well with your chair. But seriously, I could use your creative genious in my apartment. I'm stuck on paint colors. Anyway, I just want to finish by saying I particularly enjoyed the foot-note.
I can tell you are very pleased with your purchase.. and your rhymes. :) Silly girl. Looks good.
I always look forward to your clever and creative posts. I am soooo glad you found the perfect chair, I do know the agony of the search. Believe me, being married to Nate brings us to many "needed" furniture and miscellaneous purchases. Ok, it isn't so bad, MOST of the time.
I want to live in a Laurel-shaped house in* Monterey.
Is it weird that I want to sniff your chair?
Barabaraca, I also sniff leather. Got to make sure that it isn't that made in China guess the leather composite type (you know, yak, ox, dog, deer) leather, but rather argentinian leather (the kind that seems to actually come from a bovine hide). Laurel, if you want some unique accroutrements for your nook, check out roomservicehome.com. Some of the stuff is a little to grandmas's attic for me, but they also have some great stuff for different room decor.
I loved your reading nook when we were there- very cozy. I am excited to see it with the new addition. And thanks for the heads up on where to look for furniture... we're actually going to get to buy some of that stuff soon.
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