Friday, October 5, 2007

From Head to Toe

Remember, ladies, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. How about doing something good for the "ladies" this month-- go get checked out, do a self exam, read up on how to help prevent it, learn the questions to ask your doctor next time you're there. My good friend B has blogged about this very topic and it's a great read and I thank her for the inspiration.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women, second only to skin cancer. (PS, I made my appointment today to get checked out at the skin doctor in a few weeks. Trying to head that one off at the pass, too.)

So please be healthy, be happy, be good to your chest!

And, if you're looking for an inexpensive way to be good to your feet, check out Endless, an online store that Amie stalks religiously and always ends up with the cutest kicks for like $20. You can sort by size and price, and overnight shipping is FREE most of the time. That's almost instant gratification. And you can return anything you buy, so it's pretty sweet... for your feet.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I know two women who just chose to get a mastectomy because they had the gene. Good for you for being so on top of this.
And endless...endless? I already love it. They have kids shoes too! Oh happy day.