Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Good Vibrations

It's official! We live in CA! We had our first earthquake yesterday-- it measured 4.3 and lasted for about 10 seconds.
I was at work when it happened just before 1pm, and everyone was so nonchalant about the whole thing I felt like I was the crazy one wanting to run for the nearest doorway. Am I the only one who finds the earth suddenly SHAKING slightly unsettling? I just kept watching the plants on the desk of my coworker across the aisle. They were shaking to and fro, rattling along, but not sliding or falling. And I just kept thinking, I'm on top of a mountain... I hope it doesn't split open or spew lava. Yeah. That's where my mind goes-- straight to the worst case scenario. Brings new meaning to, "What's shakin?" Because now my answer will be, "My office on Monday." Rock on.


Melissa said...

Freaky. What fun experiences you have in the state of CA! You need a cool bobblehead on your desk for the next one.

Bette said...

Tag! You are it!
