Ian often wanders around the house singing totally random made-up songs to himself. It's usually endearing and funny, except in the morning when he's Chipper McChippy and I'm... well, not. When I crack up at his little songs he snaps out of it and realizes that I am actually listening to him... At which point he usually can only remember the last line he sang and doesn't understand what's so funny.
So tonight while I was trolling the INTERWEB for fascinating things about which to blog (new cupcake recipe? what Britney's wearing/shaving/eating/dropping these days? silly things that are coming out of GW's mouth?) Ian was in the kitchen singing an operatic rendition of a new made-up song that I decided to transcribe for the sake of posterity, and so you can see what I deal with-- sometimes at 7am:
Fruity plums
Oobie frums
I love bubblegum
Oh my bubblegum
Oh my bubblegum
Tweetle choo and smelly poos
Mine bubblegum
Big fruity ones
Linty minty chews
Mine bubblegum
Mine bubbleGUUUUUM!!!
And... scene.
So tonight while I was trolling the INTERWEB for fascinating things about which to blog (new cupcake recipe? what Britney's wearing/shaving/eating/dropping these days? silly things that are coming out of GW's mouth?) Ian was in the kitchen singing an operatic rendition of a new made-up song that I decided to transcribe for the sake of posterity, and so you can see what I deal with-- sometimes at 7am:
Fruity plums
Oobie frums
I love bubblegum
Oh my bubblegum
Oh my bubblegum
Tweetle choo and smelly poos
Mine bubblegum
Big fruity ones
Linty minty chews
Mine bubblegum
Mine bubbleGUUUUUM!!!
And... scene.
love Ian's random singing b/c Kevin does the exact same thing! and I love the idea of transcribing it...such a good idea...and a way to catch them in the act!
Why can I totally picture Ian singing that song at the top of his lungs? I swear I've heard him do a little diddy when he thought no one was listening.
Reading your blog always makes my day! :) .. and it makes me miss you guys!
This is hilarious. Next time we need a YouTube video of it. Let's take it up a notch Laurel. Come on, it's for posterity.
ah ... a songstress after my own heart! I am often found doing the same thing - although with a scottish accent - the only problem is I do it infront of classes of kids too just to shock them!! Cruel punishment!!
Love you blog La! I am sooooo busy too - but there is always time for some Laurel-style entertainment. . .
Hope to see you soon:-)
Big hugs xxx
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