Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My First Blog

Oooh... Pressure.
I feel my first blog entry should be something poignant and moving.
Oh well.

Welcome to my (Laurel Johnston's) blog. (I just threw in my full name for Googleability. As of yet I have not been Googleable with my married name.)This is the place I'll send updates about the craziness that is my life and life in general. It will probably be more pointless drivel than the new American commentary on life and society in the early 21st Century, but I'll try and make readers smile. That counts for something, right?

A little about the author: I consider myself to have two hometowns, one in CA and one in OR. I was told I'd outgrow my distaste for shellfish and mushrooms and still can't really tolerate either. I strive for cupcake perfectionism. I hope for a firmer body. (The former may be hindering the latter...) I love my husband Ian and our ill-behaved Cody the wunderpup. The rest... well, the rest is just frosting.


Bette said...

welcome to the (virtual) world!

Suzi said...

YESSSSS!!! I am so glad that you gave in! I love your blog already...you are so clever! Can't wait to read more.

Suzi said...
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The Jackson Three said...

So glad that you gave into the blogging pressure - I can already tell that your blog is going to be great!

Laura said...

Congrats Laurel! Welcome to the club!

Mindi said...

Just googled you... not to burst your bubble but, I still didn't find you. just fyi. :)